Resources Selected Additional References

The online resources included on this page provide a cursory introduction to the United States’ nuclear arsenal and to the issues affecting its role, function, posture, and priority in U.S. national security strategy. Engage with the tutorials, fact sheets, and interactive modules listed here to learn more.

Nuclear Weapons 101

  • Nuke Map – A 3D model created by Alex Wellerstein of the Stevens Institute of Technology showcasing the potential destructive effects of a detonated nuclear weapon. The model allows for variation in bomb yield, height of burst, radiation effects, etc.
  • NTI Delivery Systems Tutorial – An introduction and tutorial about the different types of missiles and other WMD delivery systems designed by the Nuclear Threat Initiative. The tutorial concludes with a quiz to test your knowledge on the topic.
  • U.S. Missile Defense Programs – A regularly updated report by the Arms Control Association containing detailed analysis of current U.S. ballistic missile defenses.
  • Nuclear Information Project – A comprehensive portal by the Federation of American Scientists connecting to numerous reports on the world’s nuclear states and arsenals. The page also includes links to issues concerning other nuclear security issues such as material security and uranium production.

Nuclear Security: Terrorism & Material Management

  • Nuclear Terrorism in an Age of Vulnerability – A video and report by the Carnegie Corporation of New York on the threat of nuclear terrorism and proliferation. The video includes many expert voices from the nuclear community, such as Toby Dalton of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and Joan Rohlfing of the Nuclear Threat Initiative.
  • Nuclear & Radiological Terrorism Analysis – A report by the Federation of American Scientists on the inherent problems and possible solutions of nuclear & radiological terrorism.
  • NTI Nuclear & Radiological Security Tutorial – An introduction and tutorial on nuclear and radiological security issues designed by the Nuclear Threat Initiative. The tutorial concludes with a quiz to test your knowledge on the topic.


  • The Future of the U.S. Nuclear Arsenal – An interactive tool developed by the Center for American Progress on current U.S. nuclear modernization programs. The tool allows each user to learn about the pros and cons of each modernization program and then create their own budget depending on their determined nuclear needs.
  • U.S. Nuclear Modernization Costs Sheet – A brief summarization chart on the costs of all planned U.S. nuclear modernization programs, created and compiled by the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation.
  • U.S. Nuclear Modernization Analysis – A regularly updated report on U.S. nuclear modernization programs by the Arms Control Association. The report contains detailed cost breakdowns and analysis on each program.

Arms Control Treaties & Regulations

  • Nuclear Declaratory Policy Fact Sheet – Detailed fact sheet created by the Arms Control Association on current nuclear declaratory policies held by nuclear weapon states around the world.
  • Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime Tutorial – An introduction, tutorial, and interactive visualization of global stances on nuclear non-proliferation treaties created by the Nuclear Threat Initiative. The tutorial concludes with a quiz to test your knowledge on the topic.
  • Global Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime Report – A detailed report from the Council on Foreign Relations on the state of the global nuclear non-proliferation regime. The report also analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of current policy initiatives.
  • UNSC Resolution 1540 Fact Page – The official United Nations page on the history and policy impacts of UN Security Resolution 1540. The page contains the original Resolution 1540 document as well as a report on implementation initiatives.
  • Non-Proliferation Treaty Tutorial – An introduction and tutorial on the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) created by the Nuclear Threat Initiative. The tutorial concludes with a quiz to test your knowledge on the topic.

Regional Capabilities

  • Interactive Graph on Nuclear Warhead Counts – An interactive graph from the Economist displaying the number of active nuclear warheads per year, as well as the “Doomsday Clock” level for that year. The “Doomsday Clock” is provided by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.
  • Map of WMD-Related Facilities – An interactive map created by the Nuclear Threat Initiative of all known WMD-related facilities around the world. The map contains full lifecycle facilities including research and development, production, storage, and deployment.
  • Nuclear South Asia Online Course – A free online course by the Stimson Center on nuclear security challenges specific to the South Asia region. The course is designed to “provide strategic analysts in India, Pakistan, and elsewhere a platform to study and assess nuclear dangers on the subcontinent.”
  • Arms Control Country Profiles – A country-by-country breakdown produced by the Arms Control Association on the state of past and current arms control agreements, regimes, initiatives, and practices that each state has or has not subscribed to. The profiles also describe the primary weapons programs, policies, and proliferation record of each country.
  • WMD Country Profiles – A country-by-country breakdown produce by the Nuclear Threat Initiative on the state of past and current WMD programs. Each country profile also includes compilations of official documents relating to nonproliferation and a link to an interactive map highlighting each countries WMD-related facilities.
  • Nuclear Warhead Levels Fact Sheet – A regularly updated fact sheet created by the Arms Control Association on the numbers of active nuclear weapons, broken down by country. The fact sheet also includes a report highlighting current nuclear security concerns and information on countries that had a nuclear weapons program but disbanded it.
  • Nuclear Arms Control and Non-Proliferation Report – An annual report produced by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute on the current state of nuclear arms control and non-proliferation policies and initiatives.

Humanitarian Initiative

  • Humanitarian Initiative Resources – Fact sheets and additional resources on the nuclear Humanitarian Initiative by the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons. The page focuses on the impacts nuclear weapons could have specifically on human beings and the environment.
  • Humanitarian Impacts of Nuclear Weapons – A report by Chatham House on the current status and future of the Humanitarian Impacts of Nuclear Weapons Initiative. The report focuses on the broader discourse on nuclear weapons as an urgent humanitarian concern and highlights some of the internal and external debates regarding the way ahead for the Humanitarian Impacts of Nuclear Weapons Initiative.